Study on oxidation of styrene catalyzed by the polymer - metallic catalyst 高分子金属配合物催化剂催化氧化苯乙烯的研究
Poly ( propylene carbonate ) polyols was synthesized by the copolymerization of carbon dioxide with propylene oxide in the presence of double metallic catalyst in loop reactor 摘要以二氧化碳3环氧丙烷为原材料,在双金属氰化物催化剂催化下,利用环流反应器合成聚碳酸亚丙酯多元醇。
Ander technologies manufacture quality metal catalyst carriers also name it metallic catalyst supports , metallic catalytic substrates for the catalytic converter of cars , motocycles , stationary engines and small engines 金属载体安达泰克科技具有多年的蜂窝精密成型和真空钎焊产品研发和制造经验。在此基础上成功研制开发出机动车金属三元催化器载体产品。